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Golden eagles throw the large prey into the cliffs. (Photo Credits: Twitter)
birds eagles wildlife

This Golden Eagle’s ‘Unique Hunting Technique’ Has 89 Million Views

A video posted on X details the peculiar method used by the Golden Eagle.

Golden Eagles, named after the golden colour of their head and neck feathers, are large, powerful birds with quick flight and keen hunting abilities. They hunt and catch a wide range of prey using their powerful talons, keen vision, and flying abilities. Depending on their habitat, they may prey on medium-sized rodents, rabbits, hares, medium-sized birds, and reptiles. They have been known to hunt other raptors, such as owls and falcons as well.

In mountainous areas, golden eagles are known to have mastered an unusual hunting technique. By securing their position at the top of the avian hierarchy with their amazing aerial skills, these predatory birds have asserted dominance over their territories.

While golden eagles are renowned for their superb hunting skills, it takes a remarkable amount of strength and dexterity to grasp a deer’s antlers and then throw them in such a strategic manner.

These formidable birds have an amazing technique whereby they grab their large prey by the antlers and toss them into the cliffs, whereupon they instantly and effectively kill them.

In a video posted on X recently, the distinctive hunting method is described. A golden eagle locates its prey by gliding in the air or perching high, then swooping down to land to hunt animals that are unaware of its presence. Then, using its keen claws, it subdues its prey.

Watch the video here:

The video which was shared by BiffDon on January 20 has collected more than 88.9 million views. It also garnered over 1 lakh likes as well.

As the video went viral, social media users were quick to react. A user wrote, “It’s a hybrid eagle with the body of a deer.” “Unable to hide their disbelief,” another said. An internet user commented, “Seems implausible that an eagle can carry a 140lb deer.” “Eagles must be bigger than I thought cuz HUH?? That thing could carry me,” echoed a user. Meanwhile another posted, “Wow, that’s an impressive feat of strength! Nature never fails to amaze.”


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Golden Eagles: Interesting Facts

  • The Golden Eagle is Mexico’s national bird.
  • Falconry is still practiced in Mongolia with Golden Eagles, according to The Peregrine Fund. Eagles hunt rabbits and even wolves.
  • A few Golden Eagles consume tortoises. The eagles carry the tortoises in their talons and soar high into the sky because a tortoise shell is too difficult to break through. When they drop the tortoise over a rocky outcrop, its shell splits open, making the meat inside easily accessible.
  • Golden eagles can be found throughout North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.


Buzz Staff at News18

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