Arctic tundra now emits planet-warming pollution, federal report finds
Arctic tundra, which has stored carbon for thousands of years, has now become a source of planet-warming pollution.
Striving for a sustainable Lifestyle
Rebuilding degraded coral reefs started as a noble endeavor, but now some coral scientists are confronting a dark reality.
Scientists have discovered “dark oxygen” being produced in the deep ocean, apparently by lumps of metal on the seafloor.
A study of the sea cow population in the South Pacific islands is urgently needed, say experts, as numbers fall dramatically
Scientists want $60 million to try trapping carbon dioxide in the sea floor off the coast of Canada.
If successful, the project could provide knowledge for how to restore ailing reefs around the world suffering from an onslaught of human-driven thermal stress.
A new study has found that the planet’s oceans are experiencing a “triple threat” of oxygen loss, extreme heat and acidification.
Newly discovered marine fungus called Parengyodontium album was spotted on plastic debris found floating in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
An international tribunal on Tuesday delivered a decision that green groups and leaders of small island nations celebrated as a “groundbreaking victory for ocean and climate protection.”
Scientists are perplexed by the massive group of crustaceans, but they suspect the animals were pushed north by strong ocean currents originating near Mexico
A group of orcas known to attack boats in southwest Europe have sunk a 50-foot sailing yacht in the Strait of Gibraltar after ripping open its hull.
Abalobi provides a real-time marketplace for fishers to sell their catch, while also monitoring fish populations, and the tech could go global
The detection of schooling behavior is a promising sign of recovery for the iconic and endangered hammerhead shark