Lighthouse Eco

Striving for a sustainable Lifestyle

Agriculture conservation documentary ocean sustainability video wildlife

What to Watch on Waterbear this week

Waterbear Network is a free online film-streaming service, which has partnered with more than 80 charities and NGOs around the world — will shine a spotlight on the most critical issues facing the planet today. 

Mahout: The Great Elephant Walk

Ma·hout /​məˈhaʊt noun: (in India and South East Asia) a per­son who works with, rides and tends an ele­phant. The remark­able bond between ele­phant and mahout is built on many years of trust, a tra­di­tion span­ning centuries.

The remarkable bond between elephant and mahout is built on many years of trust, a tradition spanning centuries. In parts of Asia today, mahouts continue to dedicate their lives to caring for these intelligent, awe-inspiring creatures. Mahout – The Great Elephant Walk follows the story of ex-London city worker, now-eco lodge owner Tim Edwards, who needs to relocate four elephants and their mahouts between two national parks in southern Nepal. But walking some of the largest land animals in existence across one of the most densely populated regions on Earth is no simple task. The expedition must overcome teeming cities, searing heat, monsoon rains, and untamed jungle. On this epic journey, we get a rare glimpse into the fascinating world of the Mahouts, experiencing first-hand the extraordinary relationship between man and elephant.

Shade Grown Coffee

Shade Grown Cof­fee is the inspir­ing sto­ry about how grow­ing cof­fee in the shade of native trees can have a pos­i­tive impact on local com­mu­ni­ties, defor­esta­tion and biodiversity.

Shade Grown Coffee is the inspiring story about how growing coffee in the shade of native trees in the tropics can have a truly positive impact on local communities, halt deforestation and protect critical habitat for wildlife – all while giving your daily dose of caffeine a better aftertaste. Get insight into the coffee-making process, all the way from harvesting the ripe cherries to preparing the perfect cup of coffee and hear from passionate coffee farmers, roasters and baristas from around the world how we can all enjoy a more sustainable cup and a brighter tomorrow. A doc for coffee enthusiasts and nature lovers alike, Shade Grown Coffee aims to deepen the viewers’ understanding of their roles as consumers and appreciation of their next cup of coffee.

Defenders of the Deep

An inspir­ing sto­ry of the per­son­al resilience it takes for a life lived on the front­line of con­ser­va­tion activism.

Greenpeace boat driver, Jetske Nagtglas, recounts her experiences fighting whaling in Antarctica and her unique encounters with the animals she’s saving.


Lost World

As Sin­ga­pore dredges sand out from beneath Cam­bo­di­a’s man­grove forests, an ecosys­tem, a com­mu­nal way of life, and one wom­an’s rela­tion­ship to her beloved home are faced with the threat of erasure.

Since 2007, Singapore has dredged over seventy-three million tons of sand from Cambodia in order to expand its landmass. In this short film, Sundance-winning filmmaker Kalyanee Mam follows Phalla Vy, a young woman who has spent much of her life fishing and crabbing amongst the mangrove islands of Koh Sralau . Now, as Phalla’s beloved islands disappear, along with the unique ecosystem that has flourished around them, so too does her way of life, and that of her community. Lost World reveals a deeply important aspect of wildness: that humanity and the wild need not be separate, but can thrive together in balance. This film explores what it means to value nature and what is at stake when a community who views the land as part of who they are is torn from their roots, memory, and history.

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