Arctic tundra now emits planet-warming pollution, federal report finds
Arctic tundra, which has stored carbon for thousands of years, has now become a source of planet-warming pollution.
Striving for a sustainable Lifestyle
extreme heat is turning ordinary activities deadly.
Once upon a time, the vulture was an abundant and ubiquitous bird in India.
Eight years after Paris city officials resolved to clean up the Seine once and for all, the city has declared victory over E. coli
Scientists have discovered “dark oxygen” being produced in the deep ocean, apparently by lumps of metal on the seafloor.
The Acropolis in Greece shut for hours, record-breaking ocean temperatures off Croatia and plans to feed zoo animals popsicles in Italy — southern Europe is baking under a “hellishly hot” heat wave.
Dubai is experiencing an intense heatwave with the “feels like” temperature soaring to 62C (143.6 Fahrenheit), according to US-based weather reports.
Perched on a remote mountain top and surrounded by lowlands, Mabu is what’s known as a “sky island” and is the largest rainforest in southern Africa.
The group has concealed beehives in the top branches of mangroves as silent guardians. The bees are meant to attack unsuspecting loggers.
Springs, which bring groundwater to the surface and support a host of unique species, are disappearing globally, victims of development and drought.
Cape Town – As torrential rains and heavy winds continue to batter the metro, a level 8 warning has been issued that it will likely get worse tomorrow.
A study of the sea cow population in the South Pacific islands is urgently needed, say experts, as numbers fall dramatically
Scientists want $60 million to try trapping carbon dioxide in the sea floor off the coast of Canada.