Arctic tundra now emits planet-warming pollution, federal report finds
Arctic tundra, which has stored carbon for thousands of years, has now become a source of planet-warming pollution.
Striving for a sustainable Lifestyle
The group has concealed beehives in the top branches of mangroves as silent guardians. The bees are meant to attack unsuspecting loggers.
A cloud forest in northern Ecuador is protected from deforestation and mining after being recognised as an entity possessing legal personhood.
As our planet warms, many species are shifting to different locations as their historical habitats become inhospitable.
A Juggernaut Unleashed By Humans Is Grinding Slowly Across The Great Plains, Burying Some Of The Most Threatened Habitat On The Planet Beneath Dense Junipers And Shrubland.
Giant sequoias (known as giant redwoods in the UK) are among the tallest and heaviest organisms that have ever lived on Earth, not to mention they have the potential to live longer than other species.
Scientists are learning more about “sesquiterpenes” vapors made from trees.
A species of small holly tree that was last seen nearly two centuries ago and was feared extinct has been rediscovered pluckily clinging to life in an urban area in northeastern Brazil, scientists said Tuesday.
Climate change is already making a small proportion of tropical tree leaves so hot that their photosynthetic machinery bakes and breaks, according to new research.