Lighthouse Eco

Striving for a sustainable Lifestyle

Month: February 2022

City Trees and Soil Are Sucking More Carbon Out of the Atmosphere Than Previously Thought

Researchers found that trees and soils on the outermost edge of forests may have a role in fighting climate change—but the benefits might not last

India’s Mass Tree Planting Success: Forest Cover Grows by Half-Million Acres in Two Years

A recent report from the Forest Survey of India (FSI) found that recent spurious tree planting activities have taken root in terms of the overall forest coverage in the nation.

Ocean water along U.S. coasts will rise about one foot by 2050, scientists warn

Sea levels along coastlines in the United States will rise about one foot by 2050, with larger increases on the East and Gulf coasts, according to a comprehensive new report by federal climate scientists.

Fish oil and fishmeal industry harming food security in west Africa, warns UN

Campaigners say the sector leads to overexploitation of stocks while pushing up prices and aggravating local unemployment

Climate Crisis Has Made Western US Megadrought Worst in 1,200 Years

“Climate change is here and now,” said Rep. Pramila Jayapal. “If a 1,200 year mega-drought isn’t enough to make people realize that, I don’t know what is.”

U.S. corn-based ethanol worse for the climate than gasoline, study finds

Corn-based ethanol, which for years has been mixed in huge quantities into gasoline sold at U.S. pumps, is likely a much bigger contributor to global warming than straight gasoline, according to a study published Monday.

Flowers spreading in Antarctica – which experts say is not a good thing

Stony landscapes dotted with yellow flowers are not what many people picture when they imagine Antarctica.

But a new study has found thanks to warming temperatures, colourful blooms are becoming an increasingly common sight on one Antarctic island.


Pascal Wehrlein led home Andre Lotterer in an historic one-two for the TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team in the Mexico City E-Prix, with both driver and team sealing maiden ABB FIA Formula E World Championship victories.

Fears of oil spills as ExxonMobil seeks to drill at the mouth of a Brazil river

U.S. oil giant ExxonMobil is seeking to drill 11 wells in a marine area near the estuary of the São Francisco River in eastern Brazil.

Arctic seed vault to receive rare deposits

A vault built on an Arctic mountainside to preserve the world’s crop seeds from war, disease and other catastrophes will receive new deposits on Monday.

Climate Expert Debunks Big Oil’s Lies About Carbon Capture, Nature-Based Solutions

Michael Mann told a House panel that “investing in natural gas is crowding out investment in true clean, renewable energy that can help us decarbonize our economy and address the climate crisis.”