Lighthouse Eco

Striving for a sustainable Lifestyle

Month: April 2024

A ‘Green Glacier’ is Burying Prairies, Threatening Ranchers and Wildlife

A Juggernaut Unleashed By Humans Is Grinding Slowly Across The Great Plains, Burying Some Of The Most Threatened Habitat On The Planet Beneath Dense Junipers And Shrubland.

Estuaries, the ‘nurseries of the sea’, are disappearing fast

Study reveals repurposing of ecologically vital land for homes or agriculture is happening particularly rapidly in Asia

Venomous lionfish are invading the Mediterranean Sea. The rise of these deadly predators has scientists worried

Lionfish’s rapid spread across the Mediterranean, including to habitats previously thought to be unsuitable, could have significant ecological impacts.

‘Solar-powered vacuum cleaners’: the native plants that could clean toxic soil

Indigenous groups see hope in the environmentally friendly process of bioremediation. But will cities pay attention?

Scientists Are Trying to Coax the Ocean to Absorb More CO2

Startup companies and researchers are experimenting with ‘marine carbon dioxide removal’ by altering the chemistry of the ocean and sinking biomass to the seafloor.

The world dumps 2,000 truckloads of plastic into the ocean each day. Here’s where a lot of it ends up

The world produces around 400 million metric tons of plastic waste each year. Every day, 2,000 truckloads of it is dumped into the ocean, rivers and lakes.

Octopuses could lose eyesight and struggle to survive if ocean temperatures keep rising, study finds

Heat stress from global heating could lead to impaired vision and increased deaths of pregnant mothers and their unborn young, Australian researchers say

270 million people are living on sinking land in China’s major cities, new study finds

Land is sinking underneath millions of peoples’ feet in China’s major cities due to human activities, putting the country’s coastal areas more at risk of flooding and rising sea levels, new research shows.

Saving a Sea Monkey Sanctuary

As the Great Salt Lake in Utah shrinks, locals are working to preserve its critical brine shrimp fishery—along with the other entities that flourish in the lake’s strange, saline beauty.

Eco-friendly agricultural gel replaces toxic pesticides with worms

A worm-filled gel has been shown to protect crops from pests, without the use of environmentally-unfriendly pesticides.

Billions in ‘magical’ spending questioned as coral reefs fail around the world

Climate change has been singled out as the leading cause of bleaching across the world’s coral reefs.

‘We found 700 different species’: astonishing array of wildlife discovered in Cambodia mangroves

Hairy-nosed otters and cats that catch fish are among the startling diversity of creatures making their home in threatened habitats