Lighthouse Eco

Striving for a sustainable Lifestyle


Six-Month Sentence for Lawyer Who Took on Chevron Denounced as ‘International Outrage’

Conviction of Steven Donziger, said one critic, “perfectly encapsulates how corporate power has twisted the U.S. justice system to protect corporate interests and punish their enemies.”

Extreme Heat Exposure in Cities Has Tripled in Just a Few Decades, Scientists Warn

Extreme urban heat exposure has dramatically increased since the early 1980s, with the total exposure tripling over the past 35 years.

Did ship’s anchor cause California oil spill? Maybe

Officials investigating one of California’s largest recent oil spills are looking into whether a ship’s anchor may have struck an oil pipeline on the ocean floor, causing heavy crude to leak into coastal waters and foul beaches, authorities said Monday.

La Palma residents grapple with devastation wrought by volcano

Residents of Spain’s La Palma were struggling on Thursday to come to terms with the devastation wrought by the Cumbre Vieja volcano, which has been ejecting a destructive cocktail of ash, smoke and lava for more than 10 days.

Race to the bottom: the disastrous blindfolded rush to mine the deep sea

One of the largest mining operations ever seen on Earth aims to despoil an ocean we are only barely beginning to understand

Baby Poop Is Loaded With Microplastics

An alarming new study finds that infant feces contain 10 times more polyethylene terephthalate (aka polyester) than an adult’s.

Ghost forests creep up U.S. East Coast

New Jersey’s Atlantic white cedar forests are turning from green to a pale white, a sign of creeping sea levels and more frequent superstorms.

Poland ordered to pay $580,000 fine for each day it continues operating a controversial coal mine

Poland will have to pay a €500,000 ($586,000) fine for each day it continues extracting coal at an open-pit mine near the Czech and German borders, Europe’s top court ruled Monday.

The companies polluting the planet have spent millions to make you think carpooling and recycling will save us

Plastics companies spent millions to kickstart recycling programs, and it helped them avoid bans. Decades later, fossil-fuel interests spend millions to promote carpooling and reducing energy use.

Record number of environmental activists murdered

A record number of activists working to protect the environment and land rights were murdered last year, according to a report by a campaign group.

Amazon, meet Amazon: Tech giant rolls out rainforest carbon offset project

Tech giant Amazon has announced a nature-based carbon removal project in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest in partnership with The Nature Conservancy (TNC).